Tuesday, November 9, 2010

A short update...


As most of you know, I've moved from the damn dudes. I instantly am 110% happier now. The energy in my new place is much more positive; my roommate, Cate, recycles...EVERYTHING! it's amazing how little waste we create when we sort everything out. We have a compost heap. We both like: to cook, theatre, coffee shops.

I'm designing 2 shows, both of which open in January. I'm nervous. I didn't realize how not confident I am in myself...but I'm working on that. I blame grad school.

I got a free acupuncture treatment to help me stop smoking. It was pretty interesting, AND I'm day 3 smoke free...Definitely something I'll do in the future, acupuncture, that is...not smoke (I hope).

I've also decided to run the Austin half marathon in February! I'm not prepared, yet...but working my way there slowly. I can no run 1 mile without stopping...today i will try to do 1.5 miles...

I'm nearly happy...