Monday, January 31, 2011

$3500, 2 shows, review, theatre retreat, phew!

As a member of Austin's Sustainable Theatre Project, I must announce that we made our kickstarter goal of $3500. This was a huge triumph for all of us involved in STP...we are so thankful and grateful and humbled by all the support we got from our friends and fellow theatre makers, mentors and family members! Even a few strangers threw some cash into the pot, which was very exciting!!

So, I have successfully opened 2 shows in Austin. The first, Humble Boy, closed on Saturday. It was a sweet story with a wonderful cast and crew! Definitely people I want to work with in the future!

The second, Flying, opened Friday. It kicked of a New Russian Drama Festival. The playwright was here all the way from Moscow. It was a pretty awesome time! The cast was amazing and I'm so thrilled to have worked with everyone involved. If you are interested, here is the review:

Amidst opening a show and closing a show, I attended the Austin New Works Collective retreat this weekend. It was the first time I got to put some faces with some names that I've only heard since I've been in town. It was a pretty great time to get to be in a room with people who literally paved the way for theatre artists in this town!

Well, that's about it for now. I"m sure I'll have something new to report now that I've got some spare time!

love 10 fold.

Friday, January 7, 2011

2011: a year of Forgiveness and Love

It's a new year!
For me, this means a new planner, which I've already jotted down every birthday I have in my brain.
A silly resolution like vowing to floss everyday.
A fresh outlook on life.

2010 had it's ups and downs.
I lost some loved ones.
I had my heart shattered into 1,000,000,000 pieces.

I finished my masters.
I spent the summer in the most beautiful part of the country.
I met some amazingly wonderful, crazy beautiful new people.
I moved to a new city.

I always manage to do that, make the list of positives longer than the negatives...which is a sign that I'm feeling more like my old self, only new....
Wide-eyed, eager, positive, forgiving, loving.

So this year, my resolution is to forgive (I can't promise I can forget) and to love, not only others, but myself.
To remember to breath.
To remember, perfection is rarely attainable.

So, if you've hurt me in the past...I forgive you. And I hope anyone I've hurt can forgive me as well.

2011: Love 10 fold