Saturday, July 30, 2011

WHEW...., just like last year, when I started this "blog" (sorry to those who read this often for the lack of updates) I was vowing to start anew. And I did! I moved to Austin to be with a group of friends that I value artistically, to help run a theatre company. In the mean time, I;

-met some pretty awesome people
-found some really great job opportunities
-finally let go of some unhealthy feelings for someone

And then I come back here, back to the place that put me in the right mindset to get back to just being and even MORE amazing things happen. I'm sad to say that I had to leave the theatre company I moved to Austin for, but for now it's what's right for me. Also, since being here, I had my motherboard in my computer replaced not once, but twice resulting in the loss of ALL of my data...BUT one really amazing woodwind playing friend also happens to be a computer genius found close to all of it and then some...and then, out of the blue I got a call from Ballet Austin, offering me a position in the costume shop?!?!?! you are now reading the blog of the new costume shop assistant/shoe manager at Ballet Austin!!! I'm going to get a salary and benefits and a real adult!!

My mother always says, "everything happens for a reason"

So that's been my life, in a nutshell, thus far...i'll have more exciting things to write about blacking out on my birthday/opening night...

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