Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Two Thousand Fucking Twelve

Happy new year, fellow bloggers and blog readers!

It's been a few months...lots has changed...but I won't bore you with the details, here's the cliff notes:

-i really like my job
-i rescued a dog
-i got a new car
-i like a boy
-i really like myself

So, it's a new year which means new resolutions...this year, in addition to forgiveness and love, I've added motivation and focus...which i'm now initiating...this first day of february, 2012.

In addition to these inspirational words, i've decided to make a new resolution every month...January flew by so...I'm starting today!

This month, I vow to:

-Take the stairs, always
-Not eat meat, because I've realized I want to know where my food is coming from
-Focus on training this beast of a dog that I love more than anything
-Save money

I'm also going to have breakfast every Saturday morning out in public, whether it be with my favorite boy or by myself. I've realized that I would much rather spend my Friday and Saturday nights in and enjoy my Saturday and Sunday mornings NOT hung over, with great company or a book, and a great cup of coffee and just enjoy being alive.

I'm also going to say "NO" more. So don't take that personally....I often get invited to go somewhere or to do something that I don't want to do because i'm too tired or don't have the money for so, I'm just going to say no. AND not feel guilty about it.

Also, i'm going to blog more...but I still hate that


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. You like a boy? So what does that mean for you and I at the end of the year?

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