Friday, August 6, 2010

Smoke Free Day 4!!

Yes, I'm quitting. For real this time. I always said that once I finish grad school I would. I don't even know why I started in the first place...ok, I do but that was a different life crisis. But really, I hate everything about it; I hate how it tastes, I hate how it smells, I hate how people like at me different when they find out I smoke(d)...the only thing I liked about it was 1) it was a way for me to be by myself because 2) none of my friends did it so 3) it was easy to meet new people.

So yeah, aside from all the health risk hibbity who business, I feel really guilty smoking in Montana. I feel like I'm polluting it fresh air and mountainous country side. And that's it. I told my mom and she asked, "How do you feel?!" as if 4 days would instantly make it easier for me to breath? But I think she was asking how I felt emotionally. Smoking was a crutch, I'll admit it. It was my escape, my time to overanalyze every detail about an issue or situation for 5 minutes.

In other news, I've made a new friend at the Safeway. It's the local supermarket, we were told to shop there by Betsi, the artist director of ATP because it has better lighting than the Super 1. She's correct AND they have a discount shopper card, which is alway very exciting. new friend works in the produce section and I think his name might be Winston. He's older and loves to chat. I went shopping a couple of days ago and necturines were on sale for $.99/lb so I thought, 'ok, i can afford some fruit' and there was Winston, stocking the produce. He said hello, because that's his job I guess and I replied with, "Hi, how are you?" and that was the start of a budding friendship. "Very well, thank you for asking," he said, brightly, "Would you like me to slice one of the necturines open for you to taste?" I kid you not, he started looking for a good one for me to taste and then said, "well they all seem a little firm, take these home and put them in a paper sack (yes, he said sack) and let them ripen up a bit" Talk about hospitality, the man picked out my produce!! Then, today, as I was picking up a few items for roommate dinner, he found me picking out some green beans. I said hello, and then we had a very lovely conversation. Long story short, he loves that the theatre community has moved to flathead valley (that's what they call these parts of Montana). I feel like I should go everyday just so he can talk to someone who actually listens and responds.

But that's how people are here. Whitefish reminds me alot of where I grew up. And for those of you who don't know, Perry, KS...well, you aren't missing a whole heck of alot. Whitefish however has stop lights, and a gym and 2 grocery stores, etc. etc. But the community, the way everyone knows everyone is how it reminds me of "home". I can't imagine living here year round but this summer has been amazing!!! I feel as though I'm rambling so I'm going to leave it at that

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